Saturday, February 25, 2012

Another Home Going - February 25, 2012

We got home about an hour ago from going to the homegoing celebration of Penny Wilkins, she was the wife to Dr. James Wilkins. As her program read, "left on vacation to Heaven, February 20, 2012, now fellowshipping with family, friends, and converts. Waiting to be re-assigned a position in the Thousand Year Reign under her beloved Saviour, King Jesus." We were blessed to have worked with Miss Penny and Dr. Wilkins. Sitting there listening to testimonies and then hearing Bro. Wilkins preach was awesome. Miss Penny was 82 years young. If you knew her, you would understand.
She was known for her faithful prayer life and her soulwinning life.

Just a week ago, another precious friend and special lady that we were blessed to have worked with in the ministry, went home to be with the Lord. Kim Boling, and oh so young (36 yrs. old) left her husband and 4 precious children.

The week just before Christmas a lady in our church was burnt severally. She died January 12, 2012, she was 72 yrs old.

I have been reading about several people dying lately while catching up on Facebook, from teenagers dying in car wrecks, a 50 yr. old preacher dying, and the list goes on.

I read also this week of friends Allen & Alicia Little who lost their young son Kendrick to cancer a couple of years ago. Still ache and feel for other parents who hear everyday that their child has cancer, or doesn't have long to live or have just passed away.

Then I would like to ask prayer for Lucy Seward, I think she is 7 yrs. old who is scheduled to have heart surgery in a few days. Right now she has been sick with a virus, and of course, they can't do surgery if she is sick. The right side ventricle is stretching like a water balloon, please, please pray.

Then a co-worker just found out she has breast cancer in both breasts and is scheudled for surgery March 13. (Pattie)

If you can read about all these situations, of sickness, death, and heartache and not be move to do anything I feel for you. We can ALL PRAY, don't forget about all these families who are hurting. I know having gone through cancer twice it has made a difference in my prayer life. Everytime I hear of someone with cancer, my heart breaks for them, for you see we have been there and know the devistation of that awful disease. Another way all this moves me is to think how short life is and how your life can change in an instant.

Do you think Michael and Kim thought this awful infection would take her life so young? Death comes knocking at the door of all ages, we don't know how much time we have. Scott and I have such a burden for our family to be saved. We pray daily for them.

As family and friends read this, please think long and hard about this next qyestion. Do you know, that you know, that you know, when you die you are going to heaven? If you can't say yes immediately, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you take care of you destiny, RIGHT NOW!

As you read above, we can't say, "I've got time, I'm still young." Or "I'll do it later." Later, may never come, you may be in an accident, you may have a heartattack, what if you were put in a coma and never woke up. This is VERY SERIOUS and is not to take lightly.

The Face of Sin is that all are sinners.
Romans 3:10 "...there is none righteous, no, not one:'
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
The Penalty for Sin is Death and Hell.
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Rev. 21:8 "But the fearful, and unbelieving...shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone;"
Jesus Died to Pay for Our Sin.
Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
The Individual Response to the Gospel means that one cannot work to save himself, one must turn from self or religion and ask God to save them.
Romans 10:9-10 "That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession made unto salvation."

If in your heart you believe and are willing to be saved you must repent of your sin and place your faith in Jesus as Saviour. Call upon the Lord by praying to Him.

"Dear Lord, I confess that I am a sinner. I repent of my sin, and ask you for mercy and forgiveness through the shed blood of your Son, Jesus. I believe your promise, that from this moment on, according to your Word, I will be your child and that you will reserve a home in Heaven for me. Thank you for saving me, in Jesus name. Amen."

Now, if you have received the Lord as your Saviour, please let me know.

As I sat at that funeral today and Bro. Wilkins was telling a story about someone handing a tract to someone. The person says, "I can't read, but I will follow your footsteps to learn how to be saved." Wow, I thought that is something we all need to think about. If we are a Christian and know Jesus Christ as our Saviour, where would our footsteps lead others? Would it be to the Lord, would it be to church faithfully, would it be out soulwinning, just where would we lead them? Folks, we must get busy winning our family and friends to the Lord, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!

Also, I would like to ask you to be praying for me this Tuesday, February 28th, as I go back to MD Anderson for another 4 month check up. I will be having blood work, mammogram, and a physical exam.

Thank you for your prayers for me and for others. God bless.

Friday, February 10, 2012


My heart is heavy as I type this. Many of you already know what has been going on with Kim Boling. If you are on Facebook you can follow her updates by going to

Some have asked me how I know Kim, we went to church together in Fort Worth, Texas. She was such a blessing to us. She also was in my home church at Faith Baptist Church, Bourbonnais, IL for awhile.

Below is an update that was posted on Facebook.

Kim is on her way to Hillcrest Hospital in Tulsa, OK. The outlook from the beginning was 80% mortality and due to the inability to contain the infection her chances have decreased.

She is still fighting. When Michael asked if she wanted the kids to tell her bye, she nodded yes. The staff did a wonderful job concealing everything in the room, so all they could see was from the nose up. They had the chance to say they loved her & was praying for her.

We have not lost hope, but understand that God is in complete control!

Thank you everyone for taking the time to pray for our family!

Friends and family please PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Please pass this URGENT PRAYER REQUEST to as many folks as you can.

Thank you,
Jer. 33:3

Picture before Cancer Surgery