Update on Sherilyn Karamitros from her daughter Ivry. The surgery went well. They removed both breasts and removed an entire lymphnode pad located in the left armpit region. The surgeon said he could tell by just looking at the lymphnode pad that at least 5 of the lymphnodes were cancerous. They will have the biopsy results next week. She will have to go through several rounds of chemo to make sure that the lymphnodes are all treated thoroughly. She will go through 4 different types of treatments. The treatments should be completed by next August.
So you can see that Sherilyn has a long road ahead of her. Please be in prayer for her and her family.
The other prayer request and update is for George Doehring. We work with his wife Kathy. She asked that we pray for him tomorrow, July 26th, he is having surgery at MD Anderson to have 5 tumors removed from his left kidney. That is his only kidney.
My great family and friends please be in prayer for both of these families.