Dr. Williams came in and wanted to know what had happened the night before. I explained to him how rough and blunt Dr. Atkins had been. He apologized over and over. He also said he wanted me to stay in the hospital. I had inquired about getting out so I could go to church. Paula and Scott arrived shortly after Dr. Williams left. Scott went to look for him so he could talk to him. He told Scott he would let me out to go to church. Praise the Lord!
Paula's Journal Started for the hospital around 7:30 am. It was kind of quiet on the way. Deb was in good spirits and was waiting for Dr. Atkins to come. Dr. Williams had already been in and told her she couldn't go home yet. Still waiting for all tests to come in and she had to stay because of her TB test had to be check 48 hours after it was given.
We waited all morning for Dr. Atkins to come. One of the nurses came in and I jokingly said, "You know what would taste good, a Coke." She said I could have some but just a few ounces. I was on limited fluid intake. I told her I'd take it for lunch.
Finally Dr. ATkins showed up. He didn't say anything, did the exam and left. The nurse was very apologetic for his mannerisms. We were thankful he was a good doctor but his bedside manner was awful.
Paula's Journal Dr. Atkins came in did the exam and left. Deb showered and by than it was almost lunch time. We asked her nurse if she could go outside in the afternoon. We got the OK. Scott and I left for lunch.
Finally it was lunch time the nurse brought in my Coke. She handed it to Paula and said, "Here I'll give it to Mom so she can give it to you." I got only 4 or 5 ounces. I drank it very slow. But we sure had a good laugh about the nurse thinking Paula was my mom.
Bro. Mike and Shelly came to visit. I received two plants, one from the church and one from Bro. Mike and Shelly. I also received several phone calls. From Oregon, Amber and Melanie, Sue, Tanya, Pam, Patty, Julie, Scott(my brother), Ren and others. Many of the calls there wasn't much talking just crying.
Paula' Journal After lunch we got a wheel chair and took Deb outside. It was a beautiful day and she enjoyed being out of her room. Dr. Williams came in right before supper and said that Deb could go home but had to come back Saturday morning to have her arm checked where they did the TB test.
Dr. Williams talked to Scott and I about getting into MD Anderson or UTMB in Galveston. We prefer MD Anderson, for one reason it is close to Mom's and second is the best for cancer treatment. I got to check out of the hospital on April 25, 2003. Scott immediately began making phone calls to try to get me into MD Anderson. We knew it wasn't going to be easy without insurance and a referral.