Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31, 2009

Well, we had a great weekend at church. We had Dr. and Mrs. James Wilkins with us. This picture of Scott and I that was taken on Sunday, Dec. 27th, 2009.

Wow, reality is starting to set in. Today while at MD Anderson it started to hit me that this cancer journey is about to begin again. I am so dreading it, but I know there is a reason for everything. Friends of ours in China told me, I guess someone at MD Anderson needs to be saved. So please pray that we will be used to lead people to the Lord. Also, pray for our church. It is not just Scott and I but it is also our family and church family going through this with us. Most of all we pray for souls to be saved. Today when I had my blood work, it took just one stick and I didn't even feel it. Praise the Lord! Thanks for your prayers.
So I need to report to MD Anderson, Monday, Jan. 4th, at 9:00 am. Please be praying for my doctor, Dr. Pamela Soliman. She is very positive since they found it so early and me being cancer free for 6 years. She said I will probably have 6 rounds of chemo again. Oh boy! It will be administered different this time too. I will know more about that after surgery. Another praise is that I will not have to have blood work every week. Just think this time next week, I should be looking to get out of the hospital.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monday, April 28, 2003

Scott made some more phone calls and we went to sign up for SSI Benefits. He seemed to stay on the phone between Dr. Atkins office trying to get a referral from him to MD Anderson. Also, talking to Tara at MD Anderson. She would fax us paper work, Scott would fill it out and send it back.

Paula's Journal
Got up Monday morning not feeling good at all. I was real dizzy and sick to my stomach. Scott had to call Social Security office to set things up for Medicaid. They had to go to the office to sign some papers. I stayed in their room to be close to the bathroom. Not a good day for me.
Deb is feeling good and said she is in denial about things. They came home for awhile and went out on a date, which was the game plan for the day.
While they were out, Jim, Julie, Ren and Lorin called. They all called back later to talk to Deb. Jason and Gina got to talke to her.
I started to feel better tonight, was able to eat some cereal and pretzels. I hope I'm better tomorrow, Deb has an appointment at the clinic to see Dr. Olson to take out her stitch and maybe find out some test results.

Scott took me out on a date Monday night. He took me to Babins, we had Mahi Mahi. Who knows how long it will be when I will feel like going out, let alone eat. Scott is so good to me. I thank the Lord for him.

Trying To Decide What To Do?????

For those of you have been following my blog, I have been posting about my cancer in the past. In fact, 6 years ago and now it has come to a time we have to write in the present. I will go to my doctor at MD Anderson on Thursday and will find out more information about my upcoming surgery on January 4, 2010. I have been trying to decide to continue writing the past and also add the present. If it gets to be confusing, someone let me know.

As for now, I would like to ask you all to be praying for us and to put us on as many prayer lists as possible. God hears our prayers. I have also started a Care Page which will make it easy for my family to keep you updated. So just go to and sign up. You can also invite your friends and family to join it.

I have also opened an online Avon store to try to generate some income for us while I am off work. Please stop by and shop and invite others to stop by. Go to or you can also go to my Profile page on Facebook and click on my store there. If anyone has problems ordering let me know. I have had one problem and I will contact Customer Service or you can tell me what you want to order and I can place it for you.

Again thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Yearly Check Up - December 22, 2009

Today was my yearly check up at MD Anderson. It started at 11:00 am with blood work and urine specimen. Then to get a mammogram and then on to my doctor's appointment at noon. Everything was going real good, I was even excited that I had lost 14 lbs. since my last check up. While sitting the the exam room a lady came in to have me re-sign some papers for a study I have been in for a few years for the study of markers for ovarian cancer recurrence. They upt it to 10 yr. study and there are only 100 patients in this study. All day I kept thinking of MD Anderson slogan on vans and such "Making Cancer History". Well, after she left the exam room to myself I started thinking "what if it comes back". So when the Physician Assistant came in Wow, did she gives us a blow. She said my CA-125 marker was elavated to 71. For 6 yrs. my count has been good, I think it is suppose to be at 35. Not what we expected to hear. I tried to stay strong, but the tears started coming. OK, we can do this. Scott is asking how I am and I am asking how he is. The doctor comes in and they do their exams and we start asking questions. Like since the count is not as high as before what does that mean? She said it could be from an infection or virus. A couple of Fridays ago I was sick in the morning, so maybe that has something to do with it. I hope!!!! She said it has been good for 6 yrs they just want to make sure. So they sent me for blood work again and a chest x-ray. Tomorrow morning at 7:30 am I will be having a CAT scan. So please be praying for us. I should find out something tomorrow about the CAT scan, cause I asked how quick we could find something out. This is not the Christmas present I wanted. We are doing OK, I guess. We are just calling folks and as them to put me on their prayer list.
Thank you to all our friends and family.
II Kgs. 20:5

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cancer Journey

As I continue to post my blog I will begin to add some pictures. Some of them will not be easy for me and some may not be easy for you. But it was my niece, Julie who suggested that I take pictures.

When we were told I had cancer, so many things go through your mind. We decided we needed to get a professional picture made of us together. So the first picture is one Scott and I went and had made at Sears.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sunday, April 27, 2003 - The Journey Continues

Paula's Journal
It's Sunday, April 27, 2003. Deb set her alarm for 5:00 am to take her pills so by the time we leave for church she will be done in the bathroom. As we were getting ready Deb and I were in the bathroom and she said she doesn't like to look at herself in the mirror because she has lost so much weight and doesn't want to look "sick" before she is suppose to.

It was finally Sunday. I (Deb) was so looking forward to go to church. I told Scott I wanted us to sing (Bro. Mike, Scott and I) because I didn't know how long I would be out of church. The whole service was geared for us, the music, the specials and the message.
Everyone was alittle stand offish. They seemed afraid to talk to me because they didn't know what to say. The first song was someone needs to testify. The Holy Spirit tole me I needed to testify before we did our song. I was shaking like a leaf. I just wanted to share with the church that it was OK to talk about my cancer. We know it is serious and it wasn't going to be easy but we wanted our church family to be able to talk to us freely.
We sang "I Feel Like Traveling On" on the last verse the guys left me singing a solo. The rest of the song service was a blessing. I thought we would go through a whole box of tissue. Even Bro. Mike's message was a blessing. After the invitation they had Scott and I come forward. All the men came forward to pray and annoit me with oil. What an experience! Trusting God to do whatever He wants with me. Of course, we are praying and believing Him for my healing.
Another blessing for the day was that they took up an offering for us, it was over $1300.00. God is so good. Another month taken care of.

Paula's Journal
The poeple at their church are friendly and love Deb and Scott. They annointed Deb and that was very moving. We stayed for both services and had lunch at the church. We went home and chilled the rest of the day.

Urgent Prayer Request

Would like to ask y'all to pray for Rhonda Patterson, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian cancer. A friend of mine in New Mexico emailed me to ask us to pray for her. So family and friends please add her to your prayer list.

Also, I would like y'all to be praying for me. Always before my next check up at MD Anderson I get alittle nervous. I know the Lord is in control, but we are human. My appointment is Tuesday, December 22. God has truly been so good to me.

There are so many out there with cancer. Sometimes it just overwhelms me. Continue to pray for George Doering.

Pass this on.

Saturday, April 26, 2003 - The Journey Continues

Paula's Journal
On Saturday, April 26th we had to go to the hospital for Deb to get her TB test read. Everything was OK. We left there to go to Ryan's for lunch and than to Walmart. Deb was hungry for a hamburger casserole that mom made. We stopped to get the ingredients.
We got back to the house, changed clothes and sat on the porch for awhile. It was a beautiful day. After supper, which Deb really enjoyed we played a few games of Sequence.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Blog Commercial

Grand Opening for My Online Avon Store
I am trying a new venture and also trying to make some extra money. Just go by my online Avon store and start shopping. Go to You can shop by brochures. There are alot of Christmas specials going on right now. They also have a Camcorder, just type camcorder in the search box and you can see it. This Camcorder includes the following: 1) camcorder, 2) digital camera, 3) photo album, 4) MP3 music playback, 5) MP4 video playback, 6) FM radio, 7) games, 8) calendar, 9) e-book, Also: 10) voice recorder, 11) PC web camera.
The best part is everything you order is shipped directly to your house. No Avon lady to deliver it. If you are like me, I like shopping online and I don't have to deal with any sales person. So go stop by my store and let me know what you think.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday, April 25, 2003 - Journey continues

Dr. Williams came in and wanted to know what had happened the night before. I explained to him how rough and blunt Dr. Atkins had been. He apologized over and over. He also said he wanted me to stay in the hospital. I had inquired about getting out so I could go to church. Paula and Scott arrived shortly after Dr. Williams left. Scott went to look for him so he could talk to him. He told Scott he would let me out to go to church. Praise the Lord!

Paula's Journal
Started for the hospital around 7:30 am. It was kind of quiet on the way. Deb was in good spirits and was waiting for Dr. Atkins to come. Dr. Williams had already been in and told her she couldn't go home yet. Still waiting for all tests to come in and she had to stay because of her TB test had to be check 48 hours after it was given.

We waited all morning for Dr. Atkins to come. One of the nurses came in and I jokingly said, "You know what would taste good, a Coke." She said I could have some but just a few ounces. I was on limited fluid intake. I told her I'd take it for lunch.
Finally Dr. ATkins showed up. He didn't say anything, did the exam and left. The nurse was very apologetic for his mannerisms. We were thankful he was a good doctor but his bedside manner was awful.

Paula's Journal
Dr. Atkins came in did the exam and left. Deb showered and by than it was almost lunch time. We asked her nurse if she could go outside in the afternoon. We got the OK. Scott and I left for lunch.

Finally it was lunch time the nurse brought in my Coke. She handed it to Paula and said, "Here I'll give it to Mom so she can give it to you." I got only 4 or 5 ounces. I drank it very slow. But we sure had a good laugh about the nurse thinking Paula was my mom.

Bro. Mike and Shelly came to visit. I received two plants, one from the church and one from Bro. Mike and Shelly. I also received several phone calls. From Oregon, Amber and Melanie, Sue, Tanya, Pam, Patty, Julie, Scott(my brother), Ren and others. Many of the calls there wasn't much talking just crying.

Paula' Journal
After lunch we got a wheel chair and took Deb outside. It was a beautiful day and she enjoyed being out of her room. Dr. Williams came in right before supper and said that Deb could go home but had to come back Saturday morning to have her arm checked where they did the TB test.

Dr. Williams talked to Scott and I about getting into MD Anderson or UTMB in Galveston. We prefer MD Anderson, for one reason it is close to Mom's and second is the best for cancer treatment. I got to check out of the hospital on April 25, 2003. Scott immediately began making phone calls to try to get me into MD Anderson. We knew it wasn't going to be easy without insurance and a referral.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

April 24, 2003 - The journey continues

Insert from Paula's Journal
We got up and left to go to the hospital around 7 am. Stopped for breakast. Scott and I made some memories. You'll only hear about those memories from Paula herself. Got to the hospital around 8 am and the doctor came in and told us that she wouldn't be able to go home today. Dr. Williams said that he was going to call in an OB/GYN on the case. Around 10 am they did a TB test on Deb to rule out everything. We really had a good day with each other. Did alot of laughing. Scott and I went to IHOP for lunch. More memories. They have been doing alot of blood tests on Deb. She feels like a pin cushion. After Deb got her supper tray Scott and I were going to go to Subway for a sandwich but we didn't make it.
Dr. Atkins, the OB doctor came in, sat on the foot of Deb's bed and started asking her questions, then hit us with the bad news. She has a malignant tumor on her right ovary. We all went kind of numb. He said he'd be back in the morning to do a pap and pelvic exam.
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Dr. Williams called in Dr. Atkins an OB/GYN. While there they kept track of everything I drank and also my output. They did a TB test and kept coming to get more blood. We waited all day for Dr. Atkins to show up.
Dr. Atkins showed up Thursday evening. He came in, sat on the foot of my bed and started asking me questions. He just blurted out I had a malignant tumor on my right ovary. I had so many emotions all at once. I felt mad, scared, upset and just wanted to block it all out of my mind. I didn't want to talk any more. Scott had to finish answering questions and talk to the doctor. He told us he would be back tomorrow to do a pelvic exam. Dr. Atkins told us he was going to call a doctor friend of his at MD Anderson to try to get me in there. It is not easy to get into MD Anderson especially without insurance.
Well, after Dr. Atkins left it was very emotional. Paula, Scott and I were all crying and hugging. Wow, what a blow! CANCER! Not me! I've always been healthy.
Insert from Paula's Journal
I left the room to give Scott and Deb some time alone. I called Jim (my husband) and all I could do was cry. I hate the thought of Deb having cancer, it just doesn't seem real. They don't know how bad it is until they get inside and check everything. I can't stand to see Deb and Scott and see the pain and fear on their faces. I probably look the same way.
Scott prayed and after awhile they (Paula and Scott) left. Scott checked with the nurses to see if I could have something to help me sleep because I was so upset. After they left I got out my Bible and began looking up Bible verses on healing and faith. I needed comfort and help that night more than ever.
The third verse I found was II Kings 20:5 which says, "...I have heard they prayers, I have seen your tears and I will heal thee." I claimed that verse that night. I continued looking up verses on healing and faith. When I was done I called Scott and shared my verse with him and told him I was OK. I remember laying down there and just started praying. Asking the Holy Spirit to comfort me and asking for healing from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. The tears just rolled down my face. I slept all night without a pill.
Insert from Paula's Journal
Scott and I left the hospital around 9 pm so he could make some phone calls and send out emials to have people start praying. We didn't say hardly anything all the way home. Scott just reached over and took my hand. We cried the rest of the way home.
Scott had a tough time making calls and telling people of Deb's condition. He almosted choked on the words and could hardly say the word "CANCER". He loves her so much and doesn't know what he'll do if something happens to Deb. He told me that he was glad I'm here for Deb but I'm here for him too. Didn't sleep much at all. Deb called around 10:30 pm and told us to look up II Kings 20:5. God is so good.

Well, friends this will be my last post until after the Thanksgiving week. Hope ya'll have a great Thanksgiving. I am so thankful to be alive and healthy. Please help others out there who are hurting and need some comfort. Tell them about our wonderful Saviour and GREAT PHYSICIAN.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003

My CAT scan was scheduled for Wednesday, April 23rd at 10:30 am. I had no idea what to expect. When we got there I had to drink some awful liquid (a liter?). I was so tight and uncomfortable already. To drink all that liquid just made me fill worst. I finally got called in, they laid me on the table and began to start the IV for the scan. The nurse had a hard time finding a vein. She finally called for help after I had holes all over my arms and hands. I was glad when that part was over.
Scott and I were walking out and I had to stop to sit down outside. I told him I was having a hard time breathing and felt funny. There was a nurse outside who asked if I was OK and Scott told her how I felt and she immediately went inside to get a wheelchair to bring me back into the ER. By then it was around 12-1:00 pm. Of course, they wanted more blood and began poking and digging into my veins again. While they were trying to get blood Scott was right there watching. When they finally found a vein Scott asked where the restroom was and disappeared for a little while. When he returned he told me he began swetting and thought he was going to faint. They also took chest x-rays and checked my heart.
Dr. Durden the ER doctor was going to send me home with some drugs to help me get rid of fluid. Later on he comes back and says he called in an Internist Dr. Williams. They decided to drain the fluid from my abdomen right away. I was not excited!!!
Dr. Williams got there, asked me some questions and told Scott where to wait. He told me they would numb my belly right below my belly button. I was hoping I wouldn't be awake for this procedure. About 4:30-5:00 pm in the emergency room Dr. Williams began to try to drain some fluid. He couldn't get enough coming out so they called Dr. Graham in radiology. So they stitched me where they put the drain in and away we went to radiology.
They put me back into the CAT scan machine so they could see better. Dr. Williams stayed through the whole procedure. Putting the drain in wasn't too bad. As the fluid began to drain I could feel relief and see my abdomen go down. They drained about 2 gallons of fluid. The CAT scan showed a mass on my right ovary.
Everyone in there, doctors and nurses talked to me to try to make me feel at ease. I felt pretty good after they were done. By this time I was ready to eat. I hadn't ate since the night before. The decided to admit me to the hospital. They sent me to a room and had a meal sent up to me. They put me on low sodium and fluid restriction diet.
Paula (my sister) was due to fly in that evening. Because I was admitted to the hospital we had to make other arrangments. So Scott's mom and two sisters Leslie and Lorin picked her up and brought her to the hospital. It was around 9:30 pm when they got to my room. We all visited for awhile. Scott informed them all of what we might be facing. After about an hour they all left and went home.
Insert from Paula's journal.
Scott and Debbie were suppose to pick me up at baggage claim but didn't make it. Scott's mom and sisters where there instead. We got to the hospital around 9:30 pm and went to Deb's room. As soon as I walked into the room I could see that she lost alot of weight. She looked good considering all she had been through that day. We stayed about an hour then Scott and I left to go to their house. That was alittle strange not having Deb or Jim with us.
Scott talked about what he would do without Deb and I said let's not think about it. Didn't sleep much that night.

Wednesday, April 23, 2009 (continuing)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Monday, April 21, 2003

On Monday, April 21st I had an ultra sound. After awhile the tech came out and said we needed to return to the clinic. I asked her if that was good news or bad news. She said she couldn't say. Well, I'm not real smart but I knew by the look on her face that something was wrong. When we got to the clinic they had no idea what was going on. The PA called the hospital to find out what was going on. Scott and I just sat there, looking scared to death at each other. Mike Riddle informed us they saw a mass and ascites (which was fluid on the abdomen) usually caused from liver problems which they had already ruled out. The other causes for the ascites would either be colon or ovarian cancer. Wow, we knew something was wrong but never dreamed it could be cancer. I was then scheduled for a CAT scan.
Our ride home was very quiet. I'm sure both of us just didn't know what to say to each other. When we got home I got on the computer to activate as many prayer chains as I could. We also called our family. Paula (my sister) made plans to come to Texas right away. She was scheduled to fly into Houston on Wednesday, April 23rd at 7:15 pm.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Beginning of Our Unpleasant Journey - April 2003

I've never been a sickly person or one to complain but in April 2003 I began having an uncomfortable feeling in my abdomen. I was having a hard time sleeping at night and would get up to go to the sofa. I would put two or three pillows behind my back and sleep sitting up. I remember many a sleepless nights just looking out the window and praying. I didn't feel bad but I was beginningto think something was going on inside. My abdomen was beginning to grow. We first thought I might have a bowel obstruction. We talked to our brother-in-law who is a pharmacist and he told us about some stuff to get to see if it would give me any relief. I tried it, cleaned myself out but still had the uncomfortable feeling. It wasn't before long that my abdomen became tight and rigid. All I wanted to do is sit and try to sleep. I was even uncomfortable to eat and drink. I always felt so full.
Scott began checking with Social Services to receive county care. We found out I needed to go to Huntsville to go to their clinic. We went to Huntsville Memorial to fill out some papers and we figured I would get to see a doctor. To our surprise they said it would take awhile. I was tired of not getting any rest and just wanted to find out what was going on. Scott continued to put pressure on the folks at Social Services and they finally let us make an appointment at HMH Clinic.
On Monday, April 14th I had my first appointment. I was seen by a PA (Physician's Assistant Mike Riddle) who examined me and then scheduled some x-rays and blood work at the hospital. A couple of days later we went back to find out the test results. Everything was OK. The PA then scheduled me for an ultra-sound.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Looking Back

Six years ago on April 24 I was told I had cancer. Wow! What a blow that was to all of us. When a person is told they have cancer, it not only affects them but the whole family. It may even extend to friends and even strangers that you may meet along the way.
As I reflect back it is hard to believe six years have past. It was a long and hard road to travel. I thank the Lord for all the prayers and support that I was given.
During my stay in the hospitals, chemo and recovery my sister kept a journal. I started one myself but was unable to write in it because it was too difficult for me. Months down the road I picked up my journal and started writing again. I found it was still hard but in a sense it was therapuetic for me. I could not continue to live in denial. It was hard to believe that I truly had cancer. I couldn't even say the word. Cancer was something you read about, hear of others having it, and folks you would pray for.
I never asked God, "Why me?" I always said, "Why not, me?" God gave me 50 years of good health. I decided I was going to stay as positive as I could to get through the journey I had before me. I must admit it was not an easy road to travel.
Now that six years have past I would like t share my journey with others. You may be going down this same road right now or maybe have to go down it sometime in the future. Everybody's situtations are always different but maybe there is something I'll share that will be a help or a blessing to someone.
I will be combining my sister, Paula's journal, my journal, emails, and input from others to put all the pieces of these past years together. Again, I never asked God, "Why me?" but "Cancer, Now What?"

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Beginning

It is time for me to get my journey with cancer posted. I have been talking about it and praying about it. I have had several people tell me that I needed to share it with others. For those who don't know, here it goes. In May of 2003 I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer, stage 3 or 4 I don't remember. Either one is not good. They call ovarian cancer the silent killer. As I begin telling my story, somethings I truly don't remember. Some things I just blocked out. So as I begin write, it will be a combination of my journal that I kept and a journal that my sister, Paula kept.
I would like to advise women to get a CA-125 blood test done along with any blood work you have done. It is an indicator for ovarian cancer. A co-worker of mine found out she had ovarian cancer with the blood work we had done at work. It was caught early, she had surgery and didn't have to have any treatment.
Don't put it off. The earlier it is caught the better.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Please Be In Prayer

Well, it is time to add another cancer patient to your prayer list. Please be in prayer for Connie Engelman, she is a pastor's wife in Fort Worth, Texas. She has been diagnosed with throat cancer according to the posts I have seen. Please, please be in prayer for her, her family and their church. Remember if this was you, you would want someone to be praying for you. Also, a update on George Doering, he had his staples removed yesterday and is very sore. Today, we talked to his wife Kathy and she was alittle down. I told her that is normal, you have good days and you will have bad days. Everyone tries to hold all their emotions in to be strong for the spouse with cancer or the rest of the family. You know sometimes it is just good to cry together and let it all out. That is how we were created with all kinds of emotions. It is a great release to just have a good cry. In fact, I must admit that I still get overwhelmed when I hear of so many people with cancer. You ought to read all the Care Pages about all the kids with cancer. Some days I just can't read them. It is still emotional to me and I can't handle it. But I go back and try another day. God is good to give us the strength we need, just when we need it. So let's try to give some strength and encouragment to those around us with this awful disease of cancer.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

M.D. Anderson

The whole point of this blog was to try to be a help to cancer patients and their families. Today confirmed when a co-worker came up to me and told me I had to share this with others. Her name is Kathy Doering and her husband, George recently had surgery at M.D. Anderson. I shared the following information with them and got him in at M.D. Anderson. If you have cancer or know someone with it, please try to help them get in to M.D. Anderson.
First go to now follow the rest of these steps, unless your doctor has already referred you.
Go to their web page - Getting Here
Patient and Cancer Information
New Diagnosed
Step 1 - Understand Your Disease
Step 2 - Patient self-referral form, etc.
As I get time I will begin to share my journey through cancer. My sister, Paula, and I both kept journals during that time because I thought one day I would want to share it with others. I guess now is the time.

Friday, October 16, 2009

What an Evening!

We started out tonight in search of a vehicle. We sold our car this week and so now we must find another. We are searching for a truck and we are wanting to take our time and get the vehicle the Lord wants us to have. I have 2 requirements, 4 door and running boards, we shall see. So away we go! Now we have been searching for weeks looking on the internet, so tonight we ventured out to look at some of them. The first dealership we went to, we get out and start looking we find the truck we had seen on the internet and no one even came out. So we thought we would just continue to move on. The next one we found one we liked but the salesman wasn't interested in working with us. So again down the road we go. The next 2 places we couldn't even find a salesman. So Scott says lets head home. We had seen a place on the opposite side of the road, but as we were heading back home, I asked him if he was going to stay on the feeder and at least drive slow by this place and we could look. Well, he pulled in and parked. Immediately a salesman came out, I let Scott go see if there was anything. I stayed in the van. (our church van) A little while later Scott and the salesman came to the van. The rest of this story takes a different direction. Steve the salesman says, "So you are a pastor?" He writes down what we were looking for and how much we could spend and said he would keep his eyes open for us. Then this man starts pouring his heart out to us. Last year when the hurricane hit they lost their home and the following Wednesday his wfie Melissa had surgery at MD Anderson for kidney cancer. After her surgery and time to be released from the hospital, Steve told them they had no where to go. And of course, they wouldn't release her because of no sterial environment for her. So for 2 months they ended up living in a Nuring Home, can you imagine? They are now living in an apartment and just starting to rebuild their home. The bad side of all this is they have given her 2 months to live. With tears in his eyes and by this time tears were running down my cheeks. Oh, my heart just goes out to folks going through cancer. It just makes me emotional. I feel their pain and want to reach out to them. Scott then told him that I had had cancer and he started sharing stories of things that had happened to them while at MD Anderson. Now we are all sharing stories and talking about how great God is. Oh, he told us from the start he and his wife were Christians. God makes no mistakes, and I believe he sent us to that dealership tonight to meet Steve. I told Scott as we drove off tonight that Steve was needing someone to talk to and I was still crying. So friends, please pray for Steve and Melissa Slaughter. He told us he would be praying for us, and as I asked him for his wife's name, told him we would be praying for them.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Surgery Yesterday

My co-worker's husband had his surgery yesterday morning. They removed his right kidney and his gallbladder. So far the cancer was contained to the right kidney. In a couple of weeks he will go back into surgery to remove some small tumors on the left kidney. I haven't talked to her today to see what kind of treatment he will be having. Please keep the Doerings in your prayers.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Hate Cancer!

Today at work a lady whose husband has kidney cancer was asking me a bunch of questions about MD Anderson. We helped her to get him in at MD Anderson, and all this got me to thinking about helping other people out there. Her husband has already gotten in, was scheduled for surgery this next Monay, but has been put on hold. He had a lung biospy yesterday and they are waiting for all the test results.
I am gathering my thoughts on where to begin. I just want to be a help to folks out there who may be going through cancer, have a loved one with cancer, or who has lost someone to cancer. This is a devastating disease and effects thousands of people. Let's try to help others who are going through it right now and who are hurting. Well, this is all I have time for now. Reach out and touch somone who is hurting! God bless!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Another Day Working on My Layout

Still trying to figure out this blog stuff. By the time I get it figured out I will want to change it all. I am sure once I get the hang of it, I will love sharing with others. Thanks to my neice, Julie for helping me. She has a blog and it looks real good. I have several friends with blogs, but I have been alittle afraid to get started. So I am going to continue to play with my layout as I get started sharing with others about CANCER!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Where To Start?

This is all new for me, but the Lord has been dealing with my heart to start a blog to try to help folks who has had cancer, going through cancer, or has had a love one with cancer. Please be patient with me until I get use to this blog thing. Have a blest day!

Picture before Cancer Surgery